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The Sitia Self-Help Promotion Program, in collaboration with the 4th Primary School of Sitia, carried out a participatory prevention action during the school year 2022-2023.

The action involved the creation of a film team with the voluntary participation of students of grades 5 and 6, teachers and other members of the school community. The film group operated through weekly meetings, outside school hours and throughout the school year.

Participatory prevention action – Target

The aim of the action was to bring the group in contact with the art of cinema and the stages of creating a film. Thus, through a collective and democratic process and after looking at existing short films, both student and non-student, the group created their own short film. The central theme of this was inter-family and inter-school relations. Also, issues that emerged as major issues during the group meetings. The members of the group, children and adults, actively participated in writing the script, directing, casting, video and sound recording, editing and editing the music. The highlight of the action was the filming process of the movie. The shootings took place in various places in the town of Sitia. All members of the team, parents and teachers of the school contributed to this.

The film group took place in the framework of the actions for the prevention of addictions and other psychosocial problems. It is an action developed by Self-Help Promotion Program in collaboration with the school community. The aim is to re-establish the school community and activate it to implement actions based on its needs, contributing to the improvement of the school climate and promoting active participation, inclusion and the strengthening of relations between members of the school community.

We would like to thank the director, Mrs. Arampatzi Smaro, and all the teachers of 4th Primary School of Sitia for the excellent cooperation. In particular, we thank the teachers Nikos Arzoumanidis, Paraskevi Koutsikou, Konstantina Markakis and Alexandra Fotiou. We would also like to thank Sofia Kanaki, school nurse, who participated actively and consistently throughout the action. Finally, we would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts all the children and parents who participated in the team and the creation of the film.

You can watch the film below

Self-Help Promotion Program

The Self-Help Promotion Program bases its mode of operation on contemporary critical approaches to the science of Psychology and other social sciences, as well as the field of addictions. Based on these approaches, the program emphasises the social, political and cultural dimensions of the causes of the problem of addiction and other psychosocial problems. At the same time, people and their needs are placed at the centre of the interventions implemented, with their emancipation and the recovery of their dignity as the main priorities. The central pillars of the interventions carried out by the program are the concept of self-help/mutual aid and the protagonist role of those directly concerned.