The Self-Help Promotion Program participates in the international conference on addictions of ISSUP – International Society of Substance Use Professionals which will take place in Thessaloniki from 24 to 28 June.
The participation of the program concerns two contributions:
1. Lainas, S. “Utilizing community and humanistic psychology in the establishment of effective psychosocial interventions for people with addiction problems. The example of the Self-Help Promotion Program in Greece.”
This proposal concerns the methodology for structuring psychosocial interventions to support members of self-help/ mutual help groups or people interested in participating in them, as has been researched and illustrated by long-term (participatory) action research in the Self-Help Promotion Program.
2. Koufaki, Eir., Lainas, S., Albanis, An. “Self- help/ mutual aid groups/ initiatives: a new proposal in the field of Universal Prevention”.
This submission is a presentation of an evolving intervention implemented in collaboration with Addiction Prevention Center. Health Promotion and Prevention of Addictions and Psychosocial Problems in Larissa and concerns the use of the principles of self-help / mutual help, self-organization and self-management, in the field of prevention of psychosocial problems.
More information on the full conference program:…/workshops/thessaloniki-2024